Serialization Schemas

Serialization schemas are a vital part of a JavaScript implementation. These schemas are responsible for encoding and decoding elements in a defined order and format, ensuring data consistency and interoperability.

By using serialization schemas, we establish a structure that determines how data should be represented and organized during the serialization and deserialization processes. This structure enables data to be encoded into a format that can be easily transmitted or stored, and then decoded back into its original form.

// Creating a new Polorizer
const polorizer = new Polorizer()

The following are the listed schemas for serialization, each representing a specific format:

Null Schema

This schema represents a null value.

// Example
const schema = {
    kind: "null"
polorizer.polorize(null, schema)

Boolean Schema

This schema represents a boolean value.

// Example
const schema = {
    kind: "bool"
polorizer.polorize(true, schema)

Integer Schema

This schema represents an integer value.

// Example
const schema = {
    kind: "integer"
polorizer.polorize(300, schema)

Float Schema

This schema represents a floating-point value.

// Example
const schema = {
    kind: "float"
polorizer.polorize(123.456, schema)

String Schema

This schema represents a string value.

// Example
const schema = {
    kind: "string"
polorizer.polorize("foo", schema)

Raw Schema

This schema represents a polo encoded raw data.

// Example
const schema = {
    kind: "raw"
polorizer.polorize(new Raw([6, 98, 111, 111]), schema)

Bytes Schema

This schema represents a byte array.

// Example
const schema = {
    kind: "bytes"
polorizer.polorize(new Uint8Array([1, 1, 1, 1]), schema)

Array Schema

This schema represents an array of values.

// Example
const arr = ["foo", "bar"]
const schema = {
    kind: 'array',
    fields: {
        values: {
            kind: 'string'

polorizer.polorize(arr, schema)

Map Schema

This schema represents a map of key-value pairs.

// Example
const map = new Map()
map.set(0, "foo")
map.set(1, "bar")

const schema = {
    kind: 'map',
    fields: {
        keys: {
            kind: 'integer'
        values: {
            kind: 'string'

polorizer.polorize(map, schema)

Struct Schema

This schema represents a structured object with named fields.

// Example
const struct = {
    name: 'orange',
    cost: 300,

const schema = {
    kind: 'struct',
    fields: {
        name: {
            kind: 'string'
        cost: {
            kind: 'integer'

polorizer.polorize(struct, schema)

Document Schema

This schema represents a polo document.

// Example
const doc = new Document()
doc.setInteger('far', 123)
doc.setString('foo', 'bar')

const schema = {
    kind: 'document'

polorizer.polorize(doc, schema)