Serialization Formats

Wire Types

Wire types are used to encode different types of data in a specific format. This enumeration provides a list of wire types and their corresponding values.

  • WIRE_NULL Represents a null wire. Used for consuming field orders without data. (Value: 0)

  • WIRE_FALSE Represents a Boolean False. (Value: 1)

  • WIRE_TRUE Represents a Boolean True. (Value: 2)

  • WIRE_POSINT Represents a Binary encoded positive Integer in BigEndian Order. (Value: 3)

  • WIRE_NEGINT Represents a Binary encoded negative Integer in BigEndian Order. The number is encoded as its absolute value and must be multiplied with -1 to get its actual value. (Value: 4)

  • WIRE_RAW Represents polo encoded bytes. (Value: 5)

  • WIRE_WORD Represents UTF-8 encoded string/bytes. (Value: 6)

  • WIRE_FLOAT Represents some floating point data encoded in the IEEE754 standard (floats). (Value: 7)

  • WIRE_DOC Represents doc encoded data (string keyed maps, tagged structs, and Document objects). (Value: 13)

  • WIRE_PACK Represents pack encoded data (slices, arrays, maps, structs). (Value: 14)

  • WIRE_LOAD Represents a load tag for compound wire type. (Value: 15)


A utility class for working with wire types.

static isNull(wt)

Checks if a given wire type is null. A wire type is null if it is WireNull, has a value greater than 15, or is between 8 and 12 (reserved).

  • wt – The wire type to check.


True if the wire type is null, false otherwise.

// Example
>> true
static isCompound(wt)

Checks if a given wire type is a compound type. A compound type contains a load inside it.

  • wt – The wire type to check.


True if the wire type is a compound type, false otherwise.

// Example
>> true